Sikkim State Electricity Regulatory Commission (SSERC) has been formed as per the provision of Section 82 of the Electricity Act, 2003. The main aims and objectives of the Commission are as follows:-
1. To promote and protect consumer interests in terms of quality, reliability and reasonable pricing of a sustainable supply of electricity.
2. Promote development of Renewabel Energy Sources.
3. To Promote Competition, efficiency and economy in bulk power markets.
4. To promote investments and advise government on the removal of institutional barriers to bridge the demand supply gap and thus foster the interests of consumers.
5. Cultivate, informed, educated and participative power consumers.
6. Consistent power development planning.
7. Responsive technical standards and security compliance.
8. Stable environment for competition where there are no barriers to entry and there is vigilant surveillance.
9. Guarantee the provision of efficient and quality service to consumers.